Thursday, June 30, 2011


It is a beautiful evening. The sun is setting and the weather is perfect. It's 8:30pm and I should be outside on my deck, reading my book and painting my nails. Enjoying the wonderful summer night draw near.

But no. Because my neighbor thinks that it is the perfect time to mow the lawn. Okay. How long can that take? As the noise escalates, I decide I can wait a little bit. Their front yard isn't that big. The silence begins. I take hope that I will still be able to enjoy some of the evening.

Then he starts the chainsaw.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Swedish Chef

One of my favorite Muppets is the Swedish Chef. He happily throws what ever is at hand into a dish or pot and calls it cuisine. Be it the live lobster, Rizo or Miss Piggy that he is chasing with the meat cleaver. That is how I approached dinner tonight.

Well, I didn't chase any small animals around with cutlery, but I did open the fridge and said, "Hm, let's see what happens when this is combined." Now, this can be a very dangerous experiment. There have been many of nights that I've gone to bed hungry from food experiments run awry. But tonight was a winner. I rate this as a mostly healthy meal. Kids, do not try this at home with out Adult supervision and a canine or feline taste-tester.

Summer Pad Thai:

1/2 cooked spaghetti squash, cooked and forked out in long strands
1/2 package of frozen stir fry veggies
1/2 cup water
1 chicken bullion
1 tbsp chunky peanut butter
1 tsp sesame seed oil

Dissolve bullion in water heated in the microwave. Stir in peanut butter, ginger, and basil. (red pepper if you like a little spice) Put squash in a bowl, put frozen veggies on top. Sprinkle with sesame seed oil. Heat bowl in microwave about 2 minutes. Add peanut butter mixture and heat for another 3-4 minutes until veggies are cooked. Mix all together, garnish with basil and enjoy! Two servings. (or one if you are really digging the way it turned out)