Monday, October 17, 2011


I am sitting in my house, the night before the movers come. Tomorrow they will be packing everything up to take to our new home.

I have taken some broken furniture to the dump. I have cleaned out under the sinks (trust me, that is scary). The litter box is empty and clean, the fridge is just empty. I admit that cleaning that is a little scarier than the litter-box. I have organized my yarn for the movers. And by that, I mean that I have sorted yarns into different areas to be boxed together by importance and when it is scheduled to be used for a project. ( I can lie to myself )

The house already looks empty. As I sit here and have my dinner of stale triscuits, coke and top ramen, I am pondering where everything will go in the new house.

And wondering if for the new house, I will actually get around to unpacking everything.